Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) do more than crunch numbers: they possess a holistic understanding of the financial operation of their company and their industry as a whole. A CFO’s role includes analyzing the company’s past and present finances, overseeing the company’s capital and finances, and predicting the company’s business successes through forecasting.
As a part-time CFO our staff bring the highest level of expertise to your company. We can provide a variety of functions to ensure your accounting system is running efficiently and accurately for the critical month end reports and year end tax file. A medium to large corporation will benefit as our staff can help make crucial financial decisions and lead in the execution of those decisions. We have expertise and experience in the construction, robotics and manufacturing industries. We can also assist in choosing the right software for the company and the most appropriate training for staff.
We can act as a liaison, a resource or as a Controller. Assistance can be provided in-person one, two or three days a week. Once a comfort level is established support can continue as-needed, over the phone or by email.